The Travis-Williamson Counties Czech Heritage Society is a non-profit and non-denominational organization whose purpose is to preserve the history, heritage, culture, and language of the Czech people of Texas.
The Society was founded on June 17, 1993 and accepted into the Czech Heritage Society on September 25, 1993. TWCCHS also holds a certificate of incorporation from the Secretary of State of Texas and a tax-exempt status from the State Comptroller.
Currently the local dues are set at $16.00 per person and $4.50 for youth under 18 years old.
Payable to
c/0 Alice Klepac
124 Holstein St.
Hutto, TX 78624
Membership forms are available from our Treasurer, Alice Klepac (512) 507-0648,
We meet on the 3rd Wednesday during the months of January, February, April, May, September and November.
On the second or third Sunday at Taylor Restaurant in March and October. (Pending on other Czech event dates.)
Christmas gathering is on the third Wednesday at a restaurant in Austin.
President -- Vacant
Alternate Chapter Contacts:
1. Julia Johnson (512) 749-5204
2. Dotty Davis (512) 663-6592
Vice President -- Kay Bouska
Secretary -- Anne Hyzak
Treasurer -- Alice Klepac
124 Holstein St
Hutto, TX 78634
Historian & Media Coordinator -- Janie Zubranek
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